Fair Results

(2023) Southern Minnesota Regional Elementary Science and Engineering Fair Category Results

Behavioral and Social Science

Brynn Erickson
Purple Ribbon
Does your sense of smell affect your sense of taste?
Jackson County Central
Liam Giddings
Purple Ribbon
Does Color Affect the Perception of Taste
Bridges Community School
Liam Giddings
Purple Ribbon
Does Color Affect the Perception of Taste
Bridges Community School
Keegan Grunig
Purple Ribbon
Does the Color of Beverage Affect Whether or Not We Like Them
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial Secondary
Olivia Haro
Purple Ribbon
Do Dogs Have a Favorite Color?
Randolph Elementary
Charlotte Jirik
Purple Ribbon
Do Horses Respond To Human Emotion?
St. Wenceslaus Catholic School
Connor Lindahl
Purple Ribbon
Randolph Elementary
Sam McPherson
Purple Ribbon
What's Your Speed Limit? - Testing Fine Motor Skills
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
Reagan Otto
Purple Ribbon
Sense & Tastes
Hoover Elementary
Reagan Otto
Purple Ribbon
Sense & Tastes
Hoover Elementary
Kegan Paulson
Purple Ribbon
Does Color Affect the Perception of Taste
Bridges Community School
Kegan Paulson
Purple Ribbon
Does Color Affect the Perception of Taste
Bridges Community School
Christina Rice
Purple Ribbon
Remember Me Fontly
Farmington Elementary School
Stella Roeder
Purple Ribbon
Sense & Tastes
Hoover Elementary
Stella Roeder
Purple Ribbon
Sense & Tastes
Hoover Elementary
Neela Rudolf
Purple Ribbon
Which Treat Do Cats Like the Best?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Mitra Suriyanarayanan
Purple Ribbon
Sleep Sabotage
North Trail Elementary
Olivia Vanderhoof
Purple Ribbon
Does color effect taste?
Wyatt Wagner
Purple Ribbon
Tick Tick Boom!
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
Josie Wibstad
Purple Ribbon
Does human blood pressure change when petting a dog?
Sibley East Elementary
Kaylee Corbett
Blue Ribbon
Cats and Colors
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Madison Kahn
Blue Ribbon
What Makes Dogs Happy?
Wilson Elementary - Owatonna
Nolan Schwartz
Blue Ribbon
Gunner’s Chow Down


Tucker Ammerman
Purple Ribbon
What Plants Need
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Tyler Bents
Purple Ribbon
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Tyler Bents
Purple Ribbon
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Elise Boelter
Purple Ribbon
Heart and Exercise
Hoover Elementary
Cooper Boerboom
Purple Ribbon
Is there an ideal amount of water to grow pea plants?
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Abigail Davis
Purple Ribbon
What is the Dirtiest Place in Hilltop?
Hilltop Elementary
Hunter Deno
Purple Ribbon
What is the best way to slow a horses heart rate after exercise?
Sibley East Elementary
Brynnli Fredrickson
Purple Ribbon
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary
Brynnli Fredrickson
Purple Ribbon
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary
Hollis Hangartner
Purple Ribbon
Who has a cleaner Mouth? Cats vs. Dogs
St Peter North
Faith Huberty
Purple Ribbon
Do different soils make seeds grow faster?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Riley Lamm
Purple Ribbon
How Age Affects Reaction Time
Bridges Community School
Benjamin Macmillan
Purple Ribbon
Brushing My Teeth
Akin Road Elementary
Evelyn Miller
Purple Ribbon
Bye Bye Bacteria
Evelyn Miller
Purple Ribbon
Bye Bye Bacteria
Dyson Neugebauer
Purple Ribbon
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Dyson Neugebauer
Purple Ribbon
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Brekken Schock
Purple Ribbon
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary
Brekken Schock
Purple Ribbon
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary
Molly Smentek
Purple Ribbon
Which Birdseed to Squirrels Like Best?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Mallory Wetzel
Purple Ribbon
Bye Bye Bacteria
Mallory Wetzel
Purple Ribbon
Bye Bye Bacteria
Bram Badheartbull
Blue Ribbon
Rotten Apples
Mountain Lake Public School
Grayson Baldwin
Blue Ribbon
Can you trust the 5-second rule?
Bridges Community School
Grayson Baldwin
Blue Ribbon
Can you trust the 5-second rule?
Bridges Community School
Kendall Behnke
Blue Ribbon
Telling Paws
RTR Elementry
Gabrielle Boelman
Blue Ribbon
Do Fruit and Veggies Have DNA?
Riverview Elementary School
Grace Boyd
Blue Ribbon
Germs The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Isaac Demmer
Blue Ribbon
Hot or Cold - How Will It Grow?
McKinley Elementary
Owen Fitzloff
Blue Ribbon
Global Warming
Bridges Community School
Owen Fitzloff
Blue Ribbon
Global Warming
Bridges Community School
Briggs Gohr
Blue Ribbon
Plant Power
Mountain Lake Public School
Miles Hein
Blue Ribbon
What happens when you pass gas?
Worthington Intermediate School
Miles Hein
Blue Ribbon
What happens when you pass gas?
Worthington Intermediate School
Stiles Hennek
Blue Ribbon
Is the 5 Second Rule Actually True?
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Simone Jarrett
Blue Ribbon
The most popular suet
Hoover Elementary
Aashni Kannappaganesh
Blue Ribbon
DNA extraction from Fruits
Eagle Ridge academy
Violett Kolbinger
Blue Ribbon
Fish & Music
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Olivia Langston
Blue Ribbon
Will it grow
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Mathew Malvin
Blue Ribbon
Does the type of liquid used to "water" a plant effect it's growth?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Marlo Marks
Blue Ribbon
Does light change egg production?
Washington Elementary Owatonna
James Melchert
Blue Ribbon
Get Growing
Henry Meyers
Blue Ribbon
Germs at The Farm VS Germs at Home
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
William Miller
Blue Ribbon
Can you trust the 5-second rule?
Bridges Community School
William Miller
Blue Ribbon
Can you trust the 5-second rule?
Bridges Community School
Amelia Nuytten
Blue Ribbon
How Do Different Soil Materials Affect Plant Germination and Growth?
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial Secondary
Hazel O’Keefe
Blue Ribbon
Do horses like salt or mineral block more?
Cleveland Public School
Cora Patrick
Blue Ribbon
Egg-citing Science
Wilson Elementary - Owatonna
Edith Paul
Blue Ribbon
Does Head Temperature Affect How Much You Yawn?
Jefferson Elementary
Barrett Peterson
Blue Ribbon
Germs in our School. Where are most germs found?
Sibley East Elementary
Jayden Ringhofer
Blue Ribbon
Maturity Date of Seed Corn
Brielle Ristau
Blue Ribbon
Does dog saliva kill bacteria?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Luke Roach
Blue Ribbon
Global Warming
Bridges Community School
Luke Roach
Blue Ribbon
Global Warming
Bridges Community School
Kennedy Schroeder
Blue Ribbon
Banana Rama
Mountain Lake Public School
Kennedy Schroeder
Blue Ribbon
Banana Rama
Mountain Lake Public School
Lauren Strom
Blue Ribbon
Banana Rama
Mountain Lake Public School
Lauren Strom
Blue Ribbon
Banana Rama
Mountain Lake Public School
Nelson Tarus
Blue Ribbon
What happens when you pass gas?
Worthington Intermediate School
Nelson Tarus
Blue Ribbon
What happens when you pass gas?
Worthington Intermediate School
Olivia Vaske
Blue Ribbon
5 Second Rule
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Grayson Ward
Blue Ribbon
Rooting for the Best
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Connor Ward
Blue Ribbon
Bone Bath
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Lauren Biebighauser
Red Ribbon
Can you get rid of germs with just water?
Jefferson Elementary
Lauren Biebighauser
Red Ribbon
Can you get rid of germs with just water?
Jefferson Elementary
Charli Braunshausen
Red Ribbon
Can you get rid of germs with just water?
Jefferson Elementary
Charli Braunshausen
Red Ribbon
Can you get rid of germs with just water?
Jefferson Elementary
Emibeth Fellows
Red Ribbon
Let It Grow
North Trail Elementary
Emibeth Fellows
Red Ribbon
Let It Grow
North Trail Elementary
London Kujawa
Red Ribbon
Let It Grow
North Trail Elementary
London Kujawa
Red Ribbon
Let It Grow
North Trail Elementary
Marcela Rodriguez
Red Ribbon
take a breath
Worthington Intermediate School


Dane Arentson
Purple Ribbon
Bridges Community School
Reegan Bergemann
Purple Ribbon
Our Bodies and Pop
Maple River
Silas Billings
Purple Ribbon
The Pressure is On
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Silas Billings
Purple Ribbon
The Pressure is On
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Mattea Boomgarden
Purple Ribbon
Dissolving Cotton Candy
Madelia Elementary
Riann Brenhaug
Purple Ribbon
Peel in the Plant
Hoover Elementary
Elliot Candy
Purple Ribbon
Clear with Carbon
SAGE Academy
Milena Haugh
Purple Ribbon
What Liquid Dissolves Sugar Faster?
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Daphne Hazelwood
Purple Ribbon
Which add-in makes water boil the fastest?
Sibley East Elementary
Samuel Kanyi
Purple Ribbon
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Samuel Kanyi
Purple Ribbon
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Emily Karau
Purple Ribbon
Mentos Pop
Madelia Elementary
Carter Krause
Purple Ribbon
Wabasso Public School
Lolea Nelson
Purple Ribbon
Which liquid makes the best popping boba?
Jefferson Elementary
Margo Nessler
Purple Ribbon
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Margo Nessler
Purple Ribbon
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Vivian Oguamanam
Purple Ribbon
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Vivian Oguamanam
Purple Ribbon
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Elijah Olson
Purple Ribbon
Airplane Wing Shape
Madelia Elementary
Luna Quintero Virden
Purple Ribbon
Liquids vs Eggshell Whats The Effect?
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Kian Rickbeil
Purple Ribbon
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Kian Rickbeil
Purple Ribbon
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Damon Riegert
Purple Ribbon
Which Beverage is Most Corrosive
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Damon Riegert
Purple Ribbon
Which Beverage is Most Corrosive
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Brayden Rodriguez
Purple Ribbon
The Pressure is On
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Brayden Rodriguez
Purple Ribbon
The Pressure is On
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Donald Rooks
Purple Ribbon
What Container Holds Hot Liquid the Longest
McKinley Elementary
Donald Rooks
Purple Ribbon
What Container Holds Hot Liquid the Longest
McKinley Elementary
Norah Ruby
Purple Ribbon
Bubble Bubble Stretch
Mountain Lake Public School
Ian Rutz
Purple Ribbon
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Ian Rutz
Purple Ribbon
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Grady Schneck
Purple Ribbon
What liquid will dissolve a Pokémon card the most?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Nolan Schulz
Purple Ribbon
What Container Holds Hot Liquid the Longest
McKinley Elementary
Nolan Schulz
Purple Ribbon
What Container Holds Hot Liquid the Longest
McKinley Elementary
Brooke Siebenaler
Purple Ribbon
Rocket Power
Randolph Elementary
Isabelle Soelter
Purple Ribbon
Icy Meltdown
St. John Vianney School
Malcolm Steffen
Purple Ribbon
Let's get cracking!: Which liquid dissolves an eggshell the fastest?
SAGE Academy
Ryan Stene
Purple Ribbon
What Happens to Pennies when placed in different liquids?
Hilltop Elementary
Nadine Taji
Purple Ribbon
Ice ,Pipes , Baby
Bridges Community School
Harper Walsh
Purple Ribbon
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Harper Walsh
Purple Ribbon
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Elijah Williams
Purple Ribbon
Which Beverage is Most Corrosive
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Elijah Williams
Purple Ribbon
Which Beverage is Most Corrosive
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Avery Baas
Blue Ribbon
Candy Chromatography
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Drew Boettcher
Blue Ribbon
What Liquid Freezes the Fastest?
Drew Boettcher
Blue Ribbon
What Liquid Freezes the Fastest?
Destin Brown
Blue Ribbon
The race to freeze water
St. John Vianney School
Roman Butterfield
Blue Ribbon
Fruit vs. Time
Akin Road Elementary
Gael Cartagena
Blue Ribbon
Mentos and coke
Hoover Elementary
Ethan Christensen
Blue Ribbon
Which Brand Pops the Best?
Madelia Elementary
Claire Fast
Blue Ribbon
Crystal Growing
Mountain Lake Public School
Claire Fast
Blue Ribbon
Crystal Growing
Mountain Lake Public School
Leo Garcia Balleza
Blue Ribbon
Wing Shape Flight
Madelia Elementary
Paislee Gohr
Blue Ribbon
Crystal Growing
Mountain Lake Public School
Paislee Gohr
Blue Ribbon
Crystal Growing
Mountain Lake Public School
Liliannah Gollaher
Blue Ribbon
Penny Purification
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Liliannah Gollaher
Blue Ribbon
Penny Purification
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Diego Grajeda
Blue Ribbon
Unrust the penny
RTR Elementry
Charlie Gresback
Blue Ribbon
Water Freezing Test
Hoover Elementary
Eleanor Griswold
Blue Ribbon
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna
Eleanor Griswold
Blue Ribbon
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna
Evelyn Griswold
Blue Ribbon
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna
Evelyn Griswold
Blue Ribbon
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna
Asa Hageman
Blue Ribbon
Which orange is the most acidic
Gwyneth Hall
Blue Ribbon
How does soil affect PH of soil
Blue Earth Area Elementary School
Audrie Haney
Blue Ribbon
RTR Elementry
Kylie Harriman
Blue Ribbon
Balloon Science
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Kamryn Hawkins
Blue Ribbon
Transform Drinks Into SemiSolid Juice Balls that Pop
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial Secondary
Elsie Hillesheim
Blue Ribbon
Apple Oxidation
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
LoElla Hoffman
Blue Ribbon
Can I Make My Own All-Natural Lip Balm?
Rylee Hovde
Blue Ribbon
What Melts Ice Faster
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Rylee Hovde
Blue Ribbon
What Melts Ice Faster
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Rayland Howard
Blue Ribbon
Jefferson Elementary
Alexis Jech
Blue Ribbon
Gummy Bear Battles Liquid
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Cora Johannes
Blue Ribbon
How Does Changing Ingredients Affect Crystal Growth?
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial Secondary
Graham Langhorst
Blue Ribbon
What Liquid Freezes the Fastest?
Graham Langhorst
Blue Ribbon
What Liquid Freezes the Fastest?
Triston Latzke
Blue Ribbon
Can Milk be Made into Plastic
Sibley East Elementary
Phoenix Like
Blue Ribbon
Acidity of beverages
Worthington Intermediate School
Phoenix Like
Blue Ribbon
Acidity of beverages
Worthington Intermediate School
Miriam Lindee
Blue Ribbon
What Melts Ice Faster
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Miriam Lindee
Blue Ribbon
What Melts Ice Faster
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Mack Matejcek
Blue Ribbon
Skittles Color Science
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Aengus McLaughlin
Blue Ribbon
Acidity of beverages
Worthington Intermediate School
Aengus McLaughlin
Blue Ribbon
Acidity of beverages
Worthington Intermediate School
Sierra Medina
Blue Ribbon
Plant Growth
Madelia Elementary
Hannah Mikesell
Blue Ribbon
Which Egg is the Bounciest
Rahn Elementary School
Emma Pahl
Blue Ribbon
The Mysteries of pH
Randolph Elementary
Kylie Stanley
Blue Ribbon
Bouncing Egg
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Emmit Thompson
Blue Ribbon
Mentos Explosion
Madelia Elementary
Madelyn Zollner
Blue Ribbon
Cleaning Pennies
Wabasso Public School
Lilah Zufall
Blue Ribbon
Penny Purification
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Lilah Zufall
Blue Ribbon
Penny Purification
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Finley Erp
Red Ribbon
Salt Water Mystery
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Finley Erp
Red Ribbon
Salt Water Mystery
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Harriet Frerichs
Red Ribbon
Salt Water Mystery
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Harriet Frerichs
Red Ribbon
Salt Water Mystery
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Lucy Hartmann
Red Ribbon
The Science behind Water
Westwood Elementary
Lydia Judkins
Red Ribbon
Eggcellent Enamel
Jefferson Elementary
Reagan Pegg
Red Ribbon
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Reagan Pegg
Red Ribbon
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Colton Post
Red Ribbon
What Coke product has the best reaction with Mentos?
RTR Elementry
Finley Quam
Red Ribbon
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Finley Quam
Red Ribbon
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna


Layker Block
Purple Ribbon
Prepare For Takeoff
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Kelly Carroll
Purple Ribbon
Solar Power
North Trail Elementary
Kelly Carroll
Purple Ribbon
Solar Power
North Trail Elementary
Jackson Culbertson
Purple Ribbon
Ultimate Power!
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Everett Fitzloff
Purple Ribbon
Timing Different Car Gears
Bridges Community School
Everett Fitzloff
Purple Ribbon
Timing Different Car Gears
Bridges Community School
Samara Foster
Purple Ribbon
Straw Roller Coaster Project
Farmington Elementary School
Ryker Fricke
Purple Ribbon
Sprint Car Wing Downforce
Worthington Intermediate School
Aubree Giefer
Purple Ribbon
Earth Filters Water
Hoover Elementary
Aubrey Harklerode
Purple Ribbon
Solar Power
North Trail Elementary
Aubrey Harklerode
Purple Ribbon
Solar Power
North Trail Elementary
Madelynn James
Purple Ribbon
Quiet Down
Alek Kokotovich
Purple Ribbon
Making a reliable, affordable, and sustainable modular battery pack to delivery energy to people without access.
Westwood Elementary
Cora Partridge
Purple Ribbon
Homopolar Motors
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Asher Sandmann
Purple Ribbon
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Asher Sandmann
Purple Ribbon
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Lawson Shaw
Purple Ribbon
Timing Different Car Gears
Bridges Community School
Lawson Shaw
Purple Ribbon
Timing Different Car Gears
Bridges Community School
Anaelyse Skidmore
Purple Ribbon
Can A Balloon Power A Car?
Collin Sletten
Purple Ribbon
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Collin Sletten
Purple Ribbon
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Jada Strusz
Purple Ribbon
Which Paper Towel is the Most Absorbent?
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Isaac Van Raalte
Purple Ribbon
Which soda car goes the farthest?
Dillon VanDenBroeke
Purple Ribbon
Crazy Car
Washington Elementary - Owatonna
Ellen Aarsvold
Blue Ribbon
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Ellen Aarsvold
Blue Ribbon
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Payden Lazenby
Blue Ribbon
Electrical Circuits
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Grace McCormick
Blue Ribbon
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Greta Thompson
Blue Ribbon
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Greta Thompson
Blue Ribbon
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Oliver Viland
Blue Ribbon
Egg Drop
Molly Thurmer
Red Ribbon
Which plastic bag holds the most product?
Jackson County Central

Family and Consumer Science

Mabel Barten
Purple Ribbon
What do the ingredients in a muffin do?
St. Wenceslaus Catholic School
Jaci Bequette
Purple Ribbon
Which Dog Bowl is the Best at Preventing Water from Freezing
Maple River
Walter Blickem
Purple Ribbon
Generic vs Name Brand Foods
Hoover Elementary
Walter Blickem
Purple Ribbon
Generic vs Name Brand Foods
Hoover Elementary
Carter Blue
Purple Ribbon
Generic vs Name Brand Foods
Hoover Elementary
Carter Blue
Purple Ribbon
Generic vs Name Brand Foods
Hoover Elementary
Bennett Bollig
Purple Ribbon
Want Cold Soda Fast?
Jefferson Elementary
Bennett Bollig
Purple Ribbon
Want Cold Soda Fast?
Jefferson Elementary
Alison Bootsma
Purple Ribbon
Store Bought and Farm Fresh Eggs
Wabasso Public School
Evie Bowen
Purple Ribbon
How clean are your hands?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Penny Brenno
Purple Ribbon
Mascara Longevity
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Morgan Candy
Purple Ribbon
Rest in Yeast
SAGE Academy
Shelby Carroll
Purple Ribbon
Paper Towel Testing
North Trail Elementary
Shelby Carroll
Purple Ribbon
Paper Towel Testing
North Trail Elementary
Kate Chronic
Purple Ribbon
Which Method is Best at Keeping Food Fresh?
Hoover Elementary
Anistyn Dauk
Purple Ribbon
Opps, I Made a Mess! What Paper Towel Works Best?
Cleveland Public School
Amelia Davis
Purple Ribbon
Sparkler Showdown
Randolph Elementary
Maxton Ditter
Purple Ribbon
Butter vs Margarine Chocolate Chip Cookies
Akin Road Elementary
Chase Doyen
Purple Ribbon
What is the best way to get food stains out of clothes
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Purple Ribbon
House Insulation
Randolph Elementary
Elena Erlenbach
Purple Ribbon
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary
Elena Erlenbach
Purple Ribbon
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary
Evan Espinoza
Purple Ribbon
Sour Candy Testing and PH
Randolph Elementary
Evan Espinoza
Purple Ribbon
Sour Candy Testing and PH
Randolph Elementary
Aubrey Glanzer
Purple Ribbon
Should you rethink what you drink!
Akin Road Elementary
Karmen Gordon
Purple Ribbon
Paper Towel Testing
North Trail Elementary
Karmen Gordon
Purple Ribbon
Paper Towel Testing
North Trail Elementary
Carter Helget
Purple Ribbon
Electrolyte Challenge
Hoover Elementary
Brett Henslin
Purple Ribbon
Stain Removal
St. Mary's School, Bird Island
Lauren Hood
Purple Ribbon
What is a Better Fire Starter? Egg Carton vs. Newspaper
Jefferson Elementary
Alayna Ketcher
Purple Ribbon
Which craft product is the most washable?
Akin Road Elementary
Emily Kirchoff
Purple Ribbon
Hoover Elementary
Sylvie Kuhlman
Purple Ribbon
Kitchen Hacks: Cake Edition - How does altering the number of eggs added affect the height of cake?
North Elementary
Grace Larson
Purple Ribbon
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Grace Larson
Purple Ribbon
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Greta Mahlberg
Purple Ribbon
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Greta Mahlberg
Purple Ribbon
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Rachel Mielke
Purple Ribbon
Egg-Cellent Experiment
Will Mies
Purple Ribbon
The Big Stretch
Randolph Elementary
Mollie Miller
Purple Ribbon
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Mollie Miller
Purple Ribbon
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Lilly Moen
Purple Ribbon
Lemon's - Characteristics and amount of Juice
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Lilly Moen
Purple Ribbon
Lemon's - Characteristics and amount of Juice
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Tenley Otte
Purple Ribbon
Sour Candy Testing and PH
Randolph Elementary
Tenley Otte
Purple Ribbon
Sour Candy Testing and PH
Randolph Elementary
Logyn Otte
Purple Ribbon
The Five Second Rule
Randolph Elementary
Yarely Ponce Quiroz
Purple Ribbon
Tooth decay
Hoover Elementary
Elliot Qualey
Purple Ribbon
How Does Sugar Affect Gut Health?
Randolph Elementary
Ayman Reza
Purple Ribbon
Which Cheese Molds The Fastest
Bridges Community School
Addison Sandhurst
Purple Ribbon
Oh Cerealously, We're Eating Iron?
Cleveland Public School
Emmett Schuster
Purple Ribbon
What Ingredients Dissolve in Water?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Harper Sletten
Purple Ribbon
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Harper Sletten
Purple Ribbon
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Luke Thompson
Purple Ribbon
Want Cold Soda Fast?
Jefferson Elementary
Luke Thompson
Purple Ribbon
Want Cold Soda Fast?
Jefferson Elementary
Anna Torseth
Purple Ribbon
Lemon's - Characteristics and amount of Juice
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Anna Torseth
Purple Ribbon
Lemon's - Characteristics and amount of Juice
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Kieran Weerts
Purple Ribbon
“What’s Poppin’?” Which popcorn brand leaves the fewest I popped kernels?
Blakely Wegman
Purple Ribbon
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary
Blakely Wegman
Purple Ribbon
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary
Zoe Bakke
Blue Ribbon
Recycling Waste into Paper
Max Busse
Blue Ribbon
Invisible Ink
Jefferson Elementary
Max Busse
Blue Ribbon
Invisible Ink
Jefferson Elementary
Ezra Carlen
Blue Ribbon
What sports drink gives you the most energy?
Hilltop Elementary
Teagan De La Cruz
Blue Ribbon
Which Slime Last the Longest
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Devin DeFrance
Blue Ribbon
Gotta Love Gloves, They're Brrrrilliant
Mountain Lake Public School
Katrina Deplazes
Blue Ribbon
How salty does it have to be?
Farmington Elementary School
Harper Girgen
Blue Ribbon
The Bread Experiment with Germs! The Importance of Hand Washing.
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
Logan Gonzalez
Blue Ribbon
The Dog's Favorite
Logan Gonzalez
Blue Ribbon
The Dog's Favorite
Rowan Green
Blue Ribbon
Invisible Ink
Jefferson Elementary
Rowan Green
Blue Ribbon
Invisible Ink
Jefferson Elementary
Piper Greenwood
Blue Ribbon
Water bottle test
Hoover Elementary
Piper Greenwood
Blue Ribbon
Water bottle test
Hoover Elementary
Lidia Gresback
Blue Ribbon
Water bottle test
Hoover Elementary
Lidia Gresback
Blue Ribbon
Water bottle test
Hoover Elementary
Addisyn Hendley
Blue Ribbon
How Much Sugar is in Popular Sports Drinks?
Kennedy Elementary- Mankato
Julia Hicks
Blue Ribbon
What Stain Remover Works the Best?
Hoover Elementary
Mason Kaus
Blue Ribbon
The Dog's Favorite
Mason Kaus
Blue Ribbon
The Dog's Favorite
Lena Legere
Blue Ribbon
Should you wash fruit?
Bridges Community School
Brody Maxwell
Blue Ribbon
Brand Wars
Hilltop Elementary
Durety Meleta
Blue Ribbon
Which laundry soap shrinks clothes less?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Lilian Meschke
Blue Ribbon
Will Organic Items in the Soil Help Lettuce Grow?
Hoover Elementary
Charis Perrizo
Blue Ribbon
Which Carpet Cleaner Works Best?
Jefferson Elementary
Rolly Peterson
Blue Ribbon
Which Product Leave the Most Visible Stain and Why?
Bridges Community School
Kayla Rezac
Blue Ribbon
How does over stirring affect the appearance and texture of a muffin
North Trail Elementary
Beau Sowders
Blue Ribbon
Apple Browning Experiment
Jefferson Elementary
Nolan Kent
Red Ribbon
Taking the color out of the rainbow
Bridges Community School
Liam Storlien
Red Ribbon
What Water is Better for Plant Growth?
Hoover Elementary
Harley Stueven
Red Ribbon
What is the best way to store strawberries?

Mathematics and Computer Science

Madden Miller
Purple Ribbon
Can AI detect arms better than legs?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Landon Nowak
Purple Ribbon
Which brand of snack size popcorn pops the most
Blue Earth Area Elementary School
Cael Buttell
Blue Ribbon
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Cael Buttell
Blue Ribbon
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Kirby Danberry
Blue Ribbon
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Kirby Danberry
Blue Ribbon
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Brielle Krogseng
Blue Ribbon
Magical Glowing Mud
Wilson Elementary - Owatonna

Physics and Astronomy

Musabb Abdullahi
Purple Ribbon
Magnetic speed
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Bailey Ballard
Purple Ribbon
How far will they fly?
Hoover Elementary
Purple Ribbon
Magnet Madness
Bridges Community School
Purple Ribbon
Magnet Madness
Bridges Community School
Mauer Buttera
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Mauer Buttera
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Mauer Buttera
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Anna DeMaster
Purple Ribbon
Can An Egg Float?
Axel Dotson
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Axel Dotson
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Axel Dotson
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Weston Eimer
Purple Ribbon
Does color affect temperature?
Hoover Elementary
Idan Elvestad
Purple Ribbon
Under Pressure
Farmington Elementary School
Aaron Harper
Purple Ribbon
Gauss Gun
RTR Elementry
Claire Jaquette
Purple Ribbon
What type of rock is most porous?
Isabelle Joel
Purple Ribbon
Cooking with Solar
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Dalton Kubat
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Dalton Kubat
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Dalton Kubat
Purple Ribbon
Zinging Ziplines
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Ansh Mohapatra
Purple Ribbon
How does Karate relate to angular momentum
Jefferson Elementary
Maxwell Nelson
Purple Ribbon
How do angles and weights affect speed on a zipline?
Jefferson Elementary
Celia Pratt
Purple Ribbon
Fruit Batteries
Bridges Community School
Abraham Saueressig
Purple Ribbon
Refraction in Action
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
Markus Wingert
Purple Ribbon
Magnet Madness
Bridges Community School
Markus Wingert
Purple Ribbon
Magnet Madness
Bridges Community School
Cassondra Bliss
Blue Ribbon
Is The Bank Shot Money
Wabasso Public School
Landon Brugman
Blue Ribbon
Ice, Ice Baby!
Mountain Lake Public School
Landon Brugman
Blue Ribbon
Ice, Ice Baby!
Mountain Lake Public School
Gabe Dehler
Blue Ribbon
Does Temperature Affect Water Velocity?
Westwood Elementary
Micah Fast
Blue Ribbon
Ice, Ice Baby!
Mountain Lake Public School
Micah Fast
Blue Ribbon
Ice, Ice Baby!
Mountain Lake Public School
Vincent Fox
Blue Ribbon
Ramp it Up!
McKinley Elementary
Trevon Frederick
Blue Ribbon
Static Electricity
Hoover Elementary
Brynn Fredrickson
Blue Ribbon
Is Bigger Better?
Hilltop Elementary
Max Jaquette
Blue Ribbon
What type of acoustic guitar is loudest?
Benjamin LaBrune
Blue Ribbon
Shocking Foods
RTR Elementry
Brody Muellerleile
Blue Ribbon
How do different grips alter the speed of the pitch
Brody Muellerleile
Blue Ribbon
How do different grips alter the speed of the pitch
Lucy Penner
Blue Ribbon
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Lucy Penner
Blue Ribbon
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Ethan Petty
Blue Ribbon
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Ethan Petty
Blue Ribbon
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Alexander Renne
Blue Ribbon
Melting with Colors
Bridges Community School
Jack Roepke
Blue Ribbon
How do different grips alter the speed of the pitch
Jack Roepke
Blue Ribbon
How do different grips alter the speed of the pitch
Nityan Sharma
Blue Ribbon
Soil and Air Temperature In Minnesota Winter
Bridges Community School
Brayden VanDyke
Blue Ribbon
RTR Elementry
Ethan Alemu
Red Ribbon
Egg Drop Experiment
Westwood Elementary
Ethan Alemu
Red Ribbon
Egg Drop Experiment
Westwood Elementary
Sam Fast
Red Ribbon
Fly Lego Fly
Mountain Lake Public School
Sam Fast
Red Ribbon
Fly Lego Fly
Mountain Lake Public School
Harrison Halling
Red Ribbon
Egg Drop Experiment
Westwood Elementary
Harrison Halling
Red Ribbon
Egg Drop Experiment
Westwood Elementary
Gavin Wall
Red Ribbon
Fly Lego Fly
Mountain Lake Public School
Gavin Wall
Red Ribbon
Fly Lego Fly
Mountain Lake Public School
Scarlet Wilking
Red Ribbon
Melting the Blue
Jackson County Central
(2023) Southern Minnesota Regional Elementary Science and Engineering Fair Special Awards

CSET: Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Geology | Grades 3-6

Avery Baas
Candy Chromatography
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Alexis Jech
Gummy Bear Battles Liquid
Harriet Bishop Elementary

CSET: Excellence in Communication Award | Grades 3-6

Isabelle Joel
Cooking with Solar
Washington Elementary- Mankato

CSET: Excellence in Photography Award | Grades 3-6

Amelia Nuytten
How Do Different Soil Materials Affect Plant Germination and Growth?
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial Secondary

CT Wang Awards | Best Display Board | Grades 3-6

Madelyn Zollner
Cleaning Pennies
Wabasso Public School

Mankato A.M. Exchange Club Award | Grades 3-6

Margo Nessler
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Harper Walsh
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary

Water Steward Award | Grades 3-6

Elliot Candy
Clear with Carbon
SAGE Academy

CSET: Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology | Grade 3-6

Ryker Fricke
Sprint Car Wing Downforce
Worthington Intermediate School

CSET: Biological Sciences | Grades 3-6

Marlo Marks
Does light change egg production?
Washington Elementary Owatonna

CSET: Computer Information Science | Grades 3-6

Madden Miller
Can AI detect arms better than legs?
Shakopee Area Catholic School

CSET: Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology | Grades 3-6

Dillon VanDenBroeke
Crazy Car
Washington Elementary - Owatonna

CSET: Integrated Engineering | Grades 3-6

Alek Kokotovich
Making a reliable, affordable, and sustainable modular battery pack to delivery energy to people without access.
Westwood Elementary

CSET: Mathematics and Statistics | Grades 3-6

Landon Nowak
Which brand of snack size popcorn pops the most
Blue Earth Area Elementary School

CSET: Mechanical and Civil Engineering | Grades 3-6

Grace McCormick
Harriet Bishop Elementary

CSET: Physics and Astronomy | Grades 3-6

Isaac Van Raalte
Which soda car goes the farthest?

Devina May Anderson Memorial Environmental Science Award | Grades 3-6

Eleanor Griswold
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna
Evelyn Griswold
Effects of Acid Rain
Washington Elementary Owatonna

Grand Awards | Bronze | Grade 3

Elena Erlenbach
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary
Daphne Hazelwood
Which add-in makes water boil the fastest?
Sibley East Elementary
Madison Kahn
What Makes Dogs Happy?
Wilson Elementary - Owatonna
Payden Lazenby
Electrical Circuits
Harriet Bishop Elementary
Maxwell Nelson
How do angles and weights affect speed on a zipline?
Jefferson Elementary
Edith Paul
Does Head Temperature Affect How Much You Yawn?
Jefferson Elementary
Blakely Wegman
What microwave popcorn pops best
Jefferson Elementary

Grand Awards | Bronze | Grade 4

Bram Badheartbull
Rotten Apples
Mountain Lake Public School
Layker Block
Prepare For Takeoff
Franklin Elementary-Mankato
Maxton Ditter
Butter vs Margarine Chocolate Chip Cookies
Akin Road Elementary
Christina Rice
Remember Me Fontly
Farmington Elementary School
Abraham Saueressig
Refraction in Action
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion
Malcolm Steffen
Let's get cracking!: Which liquid dissolves an eggshell the fastest?
SAGE Academy

Grand Awards | Bronze | Grade 5

Hunter Deno
What is the best way to slow a horses heart rate after exercise?
Sibley East Elementary
Isabelle Joel
Cooking with Solar
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Samuel Kanyi
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Emily Kirchoff
Hoover Elementary
Alek Kokotovich
Making a reliable, affordable, and sustainable modular battery pack to delivery energy to people without access.
Westwood Elementary
Kian Rickbeil
Which Sour Candy Dissolves the Fastest in Vinegar
Jefferson Elementary
Mitra Suriyanarayanan
Sleep Sabotage
North Trail Elementary

Grand Awards | Bronze | Grade 6

Amelia Davis
Sparkler Showdown
Randolph Elementary
Faith Huberty
Do different soils make seeds grow faster?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Madelyn Zollner
Cleaning Pennies
Wabasso Public School

Grand Awards | Gold | Grade 3

Idan Elvestad
Under Pressure
Farmington Elementary School
Benjamin Macmillan
Brushing My Teeth
Akin Road Elementary
Mollie Miller
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Luna Quintero Virden
Liquids vs Eggshell Whats The Effect?
Washington Elementary- Mankato
Harper Sletten
What’s The Best Way To Store Fruits and Vegetables
Bridges Community School
Dillon VanDenBroeke
Crazy Car
Washington Elementary - Owatonna
Olivia Vanderhoof
Does color effect taste?

Grand Awards | Gold | Grade 4

Dane Arentson
Bridges Community School
Riley Lamm
How Age Affects Reaction Time
Bridges Community School
Grace Larson
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Greta Mahlberg
So Mani Choices
Worthington Intermediate School
Ansh Mohapatra
How does Karate relate to angular momentum
Jefferson Elementary
Isaac Van Raalte
Which soda car goes the farthest?
Josie Wibstad
Does human blood pressure change when petting a dog?
Sibley East Elementary

Grand Awards | Gold | Grade 5

Cael Buttell
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Kirby Danberry
The Highest Bounce
Hoover Elementary
Connor Lindahl
Randolph Elementary
Evelyn Miller
Bye Bye Bacteria
Margo Nessler
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Celia Pratt
Fruit Batteries
Bridges Community School
Addison Sandhurst
Oh Cerealously, We're Eating Iron?
Cleveland Public School
Asher Sandmann
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Collin Sletten
Farthest Flying Paper Plane
Hoover Elementary
Harper Walsh
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Mallory Wetzel
Bye Bye Bacteria

Grand Awards | Gold | Grade 6

Brett Henslin
Stain Removal
St. Mary's School, Bird Island
Landon Nowak
Which brand of snack size popcorn pops the most
Blue Earth Area Elementary School
Lucy Penner
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Ethan Petty
Bounce Back
Mountain Lake Public School
Brielle Ristau
Does dog saliva kill bacteria?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Grady Schneck
What liquid will dissolve a Pokémon card the most?
Shakopee Area Catholic School

Grand Awards | Silver | Grade 3

Ellen Aarsvold
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna
Hollis Hangartner
Who has a cleaner Mouth? Cats vs. Dogs
St Peter North
Lauren Hood
What is a Better Fire Starter? Egg Carton vs. Newspaper
Jefferson Elementary
Claire Jaquette
What type of rock is most porous?
Norah Ruby
Bubble Bubble Stretch
Mountain Lake Public School
Neela Rudolf
Which Treat Do Cats Like the Best?
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Greta Thompson
Balloon Pop
Lincoln Elementary, Owatonna

Grand Awards | Silver | Grade 4

Tucker Ammerman
What Plants Need
Roosevelt Elementary - Mankato
Weston Eimer
Does color affect temperature?
Hoover Elementary
Samara Foster
Straw Roller Coaster Project
Farmington Elementary School
Aubrey Glanzer
Should you rethink what you drink!
Akin Road Elementary
Vivian Oguamanam
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Ian Rutz
Can I Eat That Snow?
North Trail Elementary
Wyatt Wagner
Tick Tick Boom!
St. John the Baptist, Vermillion

Grand Awards | Silver | Grade 5

Bailey Ballard
How far will they fly?
Hoover Elementary
Tyler Bents
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Reegan Bergemann
Our Bodies and Pop
Maple River
Brynn Erickson
Does your sense of smell affect your sense of taste?
Jackson County Central
Madelynn James
Quiet Down
Brielle Krogseng
Magical Glowing Mud
Wilson Elementary - Owatonna
Dyson Neugebauer
First Up? Tip Up or Tip Down?
Worthington Intermediate School
Ayman Reza
Which Cheese Molds The Fastest
Bridges Community School

Grand Awards | Silver | Grade 6

Cassondra Bliss
Is The Bank Shot Money
Wabasso Public School
Brynnli Fredrickson
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary
Carter Krause
Wabasso Public School
Will Mies
The Big Stretch
Randolph Elementary
Madden Miller
Can AI detect arms better than legs?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Brekken Schock
Are Fingerprint Inherited?
Randolph Elementary

Janice Guldan Alternative Agriculture & Sustainability Award | Grades 3-6

Owen Fitzloff
Global Warming
Bridges Community School
Luke Roach
Global Warming
Bridges Community School

Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge | Grades 6-8

Grady Schneck
What liquid will dissolve a Pokémon card the most?
Shakopee Area Catholic School

Twin Cities Meteorological Society

Nityan Sharma
Soil and Air Temperature In Minnesota Winter
Bridges Community School

Young Scientist Achievement Awards | Grades 3-6

Grade 3
Hollis Hangartner
Who has a cleaner Mouth? Cats vs. Dogs
St Peter North
Grade 4
Ansh Mohapatra
How does Karate relate to angular momentum
Jefferson Elementary
Grade 5
Margo Nessler
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
Grade 6
Grady Schneck
What liquid will dissolve a Pokémon card the most?
Shakopee Area Catholic School
Grade 5
Harper Walsh
Naked Egg
Hoover Elementary
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